Inside Police Custody 2
An empirical study of suspects' rights at the investigative stage of the criminal process in nine EU countries
In 2009, the European Union adopted a ‘roadmap’ of procedural rights in criminal proceedings, with the aim of introducing EU legislation covering a range of procedural rights for suspected and accused persons, to come into force over a number of years. The first three Directives adopted under the programme – on the right to interpretation and translation, the right to information, and the right of access to a lawyer – came into effect in October 2013, June 2014, and November 2016 respectively. Under the Directives, member states were required to introduce the laws, regulations and administrative provisions necessary to give effect to the provisions contained in them.
The report ‘Inside Police Custody 2’ is the first to examine the implementation in practice of all three Directives. This comparative report is based on empirical research carried out by partner organisations in nine EU member states, examining the rights of suspects and accused persons as they are applied and experienced in practice at the investigative stage of the criminal process.
The project was co-ordinated by the Irish Council for Civil Liberties (ICCL) on behalf of the JUSTICIA Network, and supported by the Justice Programme of the European Union.