Fair Trials is the global criminal justice watchdog, campaigning for fairness, equality and justice

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woman holding metal fence
We campaign in Europe, Latin America, the UK and US on issues that threaten the right to a fair trial or reinforce discrimination and inequality in criminal justice.
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Will predictive systems profile you as a criminal?

Police forces and criminal justice authorities across Europe are using data, algorithms and artificial intelligence (AI) to ‘predict’ if certain people are at ‘risk’ of committing crime in the future. We have created a tool to show that these outcomes are unjust and discriminatory. Find out if you could be profiled as at risk of committing a crime.

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Condena sin Juicio

Un nuevo informe de Fair Trials y DragonLab ha concluido que el aumento del uso de procedimientos abreviados en México provoca que las cuestiones relacionadas con el género no puedan abordarse adecuadamente en los procesos penales.

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